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When to address to a Justice of peace

Article 23 of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation establishes the list of cases input to the Justice of peace. A justice of the peace shall consider as a court of the first instance: 1) cases on the issue of a court order; 2) cases on the dissolution of a marriage, if there is no dispute over children between the spouses; 3) cases on the division between the spouses of the jointly acquired property, regardless of the amount of the claim; 4) other cases arising from legal family relations, with the exception of those involved in putting into dispute paternity (maternity), in the establishment of paternity, in the deprivation of parental rights and adoption of a child; 5) cases on property disputes, if the amount of the claim does not exceed five hundred minimum monthly wags established by federal law as on the day of filing the application; 6) cases arising from labour relations with the exception of those on the reinstatement to work and of those on the resolution of collective labour disputes; 7) cases on determining the order for the use of property. If during consideration of a case the world judge of Justice of peace will be found out, that case is subject to consideration District court (for example, at getting divorced spouses arises dispute on with whom from them will live a child) the judge takes out definition and submits the case on consideration to District court.

Опубликовано 2020-01-06