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« Lawyer cabinet of Astakhova »

Lawyer Recher K.D. 

Registration number in the register of lawyers of St. Petersburg 78/2023,

Post adress: 194017, Санкт – Петербург, ул. Дрезденская, д. 11, корп.2, кв. 10

Тел. 8-921-908-43-85

Further the rouble bill

Северо-Западный банк Сбербанка РФ, Калининское отделение № 2004/0381

г.Санкт – Петербург БИК 044030653

Расчетный счет: 42307810455081356228 К/с 30101810500000000653

ИНН получателя: 780209501908




St. Petersburg "____" ______________.

Citizen __________________, further called "Principal", on the one hand, and lawyer Recher Kira Dmitrievna, registration number in the register of lawyers of Saint Petersburg 78/2023, further called as "Lawyer", on the other hand, have concluded the present Contract as follows:

1. A subject of the Contract

1.1. The principal or the person working in his(her) interests, charges, and the Lawyer takes up a duty to render a legal aid to the Principal on a case about _______________________________________ ____________________________________________ at a stage (the stage of conducting a case is underlined: pre-judicial of dispute, representation in the first judicial instance, in appeal, cassation instance etc.) the order under the present contract is considered the Lawyer of all actions executed completely from the moment of performance on execution of the order stipulated by item 1.1. of the present Contract, namely: _______________________________________ __________________________

1.2. The principal pays to the Lawyer compensation in the order and at a rate of, determined by the present Contract, and also pays the charges connected to performance of the present Contract.

2. Rights and duties of the parties(sides)

2.1. The principal is obliged:

a) With a view of rendering an effective legal aid to inform the Lawyer all circumstances known to him (her) concerning the order;

b) To put at disposal of the Lawyer all documents, required to the Lawyer for performance of the present Contract, and in necessary cases - their originals;

c) In due time and in full to pay reward to the Lawyer under the present Contract;

d) To compensate to the Lawyer suffered in connection with execution of the present Contract the charges coordinated with the Principal.

e) To give out to the Lawyer notarially certified power of attorney on fulfilment of the actions necessary for execution of a subject of the Contract.

2.2. The lawyer is obliged:

а) To execute the order specified in item 1.1 of the present Contract, using the special knowledge in the field of the law, making all orders of action which are not contradicting to the law necessary for execution;

b) To coordinate with the Principal volume, character and a special-purpose designation of charges of the Lawyer connected to execution of the order under the present Contract;

c) To develop and coordinate a legal position on business to the Principal;

d) To keep as fiduciary any data connected to rendering by the Lawyer of a legal aid to the Principal (lawyer secret).

2.3. The principal has the right:

а) To know about all actions made by the Lawyer, in the performance of the order under the present Contract;

b) To coordinate with the Lawyer volume, character and a special-purpose designation of charges of the Lawyer connected to execution of the order under the present Contract.

2.4. The lawyer has the right:

а) To request from the Principal all necessary for performance of the order the information. In default the Principal from granting the information which he (she) owns, and also in case of deliberate distortion or concealment of the specified information the responsibility for consequences is carried by the Principal;

b) If a case exists for frameworks of a subject of the present contract to put before the Principal a question on change of conditions of payment of reward;

3. Reward of the Lawyer and the procedure of payments between the sides

3.1. Reward of the Lawyer for execution of the Contract of the Principal makes _______________________________________ _________________________________________ roubles. Reward is paid for legal examination of circumstances of a case, preparation of documents and representation of interests of the Principal at a stage ___________________________. One day in court costs ________________ roubles (a court-day).

3.2. Reward is paid by way of an advance payment completely at a rate of the specified sum.

3.3. The contract inures from the moment of receipt of the reward specified in item 3.1 of the present Contract, on the settlement account of the lawyer, or after calculation by available money resources at signing the Contract. In this case the Lawyer is obliged to give out to the Principal the receipt of the established form.

3.4. In a case of not getting a sum of reward in the cash or non-cash form, the stipulated item 3.1. of a Contract within 5 days after signing the Contract, the Contract is considered unconcluded.

3.5. Charges under the present Contract, coordinated with the Principal, are not included into reward of the Lawyer and are paid by the Principal separately and beforehand.

4. The responsibility of the sides

4.1. The lawyer has the right to refuse of the order under the present contract only at achievement of a consent with the Principal. Such consent should be made out in writing.

5. Final provisions

5.1. Disputes and disagreements which can arise at execution of the present Contract, will be resolved whenever possible by negotiations between the sides. In a case of disagreement the disputes are resolved according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The present Contract is made in Russian in duplicate, all copies are identical and have an identical validity. One of copies is transferred to the Principal, the second - remains at the Lawyer.

6. Essential elements and signatures of the Parties (sides)

The lawyer

The principal

Kira Recher

The lawyer of " Lawyer cabinet of Astakhova » the registration number in the register of lawyers of St. Petersburg 78/2023

The passport a series:

It is given:

It is registered:

Ph. 8-921- 908-43-85


Signatures of the parties

The lawyer _______________ / _______________/

the Principal __________ / __________________/